Dame Helen Charlotte Isabella Gwynne-Vaughan (b. 1879)
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Selected publications
Many of her publications are under her maiden name, Helen C. I. Fraser (and of course she wasn't "Dame"d yet). I believe that her husband is David Thomas Gwynne-Vaughan (1871-1915), another botanist.
According to Bessey, she started the practice of calling the powdery mildews Erysiphales. Originally they were called Perisporiales, but the type species of the genus Perisporium turned out not to belong to the order, so she changed the name and (unlike the Helotiales) people followed.
Gwynne-Vaughan was professor of botany at a small British University.
Selected Publications
Dame Helen Charlotte Isabella Gwynne-Vaughan (1907) "On the sexuality and development of the ascocarp in Lachnea stercorea" in Annals of Botany 21:83 pp. 349 - 360This was written under her unmarried name of Helen C. I. Fraser
Dame Helen Charlotte Isabella Gwynne-Vaughan (1922) Fungi: Ascomycetes, Ustilaginales, Uredinales
Dame Helen Charlotte Isabella Gwynne-Vaughan (1922) Fungi. Ascomycetes, Ustilaginales, UredinalesCambridge Botanical Handbook
Dame Helen Charlotte Isabella Gwynne-Vaughan & H. S. Williamson (1930) "Contributions to the study of Humaria granulata Quel." in Annals of Botany 44:173 pp. 127 - 145
Dame Helen Charlotte Isabella Gwynne-Vaughan & H. S. Williamson (1931) "Contributions to the study of Pyronema confluens" in Annals of Botany 45:178 pp. 355 - 371
Dame Helen Charlotte Isabella Gwynne-Vaughan & Bertie Frank Barnes (1937) The structure & development of the Fungi 2nd ed.I believe that this "2nd edition" is actually an expanded version of her 1922 textbook.
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