Ruth Florence Allen     (b. 1879)

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Selected publications


I would like to get some biographical information on Ms. Allen. She certainly has a lot of publications.

Selected Publications

Ruth Florence Allen (1911) "Studies in spermatogensis and apogamy in ferns" in Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 17:1
The date is from a reprint, as a stand-alone pamphlet. Why it then predates her 1913 publication in the same issue of the same journal is beyond me...

Ruth Florence Allen & Hally D. M. Jolivette (1913) "A study of the light reactions of Pilobolus" in Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 17:1 pp. 533 - 598

Ruth Florence Allen (1930) "A cytological study of heterothallism in Puccinia graminis" in Journal of Agricultural Research 40:7 pp. 585 - 614

Ruth Florence Allen (1932) "A cytological study of heterothallism in Puccinia triticina" in Journal of Agricultural Research 44:10 pp. 734 - 754

Ruth Florence Allen (1932) "A cytological study of heterothallism in Puccinia coronata" in Journal of Agricultural Research 45:9 pp. 513 - 541

Ruth Florence Allen (1933) "Further cytological studies of heterothallism in Puccinia graminis" in Journal of Agricultural Research 47:1 pp. 1 - 16

Ruth Florence Allen (1933) "A cytological study of the teliospores, promycelia, and sporidia in Puccinia malvacearum" in Phytopathology 23:7 pp. 572 - 586

Ruth Florence Allen (1933) "The spermatia of corn rust, Puccinia Sorghi" in Phytopathology 23:11 pp. 923 - 925

Ruth Florence Allen (1934) "Heterothallism in flax rust (Abstract)" in Phytopathology 24:10 p. 1143

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