The Mushroom Identification Course
Step by step coverage of what you need to know to identify mushrooms

The species concept
Photo by Rocky Houghtby
1) The species concept
Identification: it can’t just be about matching pictures. Learning how the mushroom lives and grows is essential.

Universal veils
Photo by Debbie Viess
2) Universal veils
Some mushrooms emerge from the ground enclosed in a universal veil.

Partial veils
Photo by Eric Smith
3) Partial veils
A partial veil covers the gills or pores of the baby mushroom. As the cap expands, the partial veil is torn and remains on the stem as a ring, or remains as shreds hanging from the edge of the cap.
4) Spore color
Spore color is often helpful in identifying a mushroom. The gills of a mushroom may change color as it grows and the spores mature.
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