Robert Hartig (1839 - 1901)
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also known as Heinrich Julius Adolph Hartig
1866 teacher at the Forestry Academy at Eberswalde, Germany
1878 professor of botany, Munich University
Yes, this is the Hartig that the Hartig Network is named after. In 1840 Robert's father, Theodor Hartig (also a famous forester, and the son of a famous forester) called attention to the difference between the long roots that anchor a tree and the shorter ones that absorb water and nutrients. After A. B. Frank's (1885) Ueber die auf Wurzelsymbiose beruhende Ernährung gewisser Bäume durch unterirdische Pilze described mycorrhizae and classified them as either endomycorrhizae or ectomycorrhizae, Hartig went further and described the fungal sheath in great detail.
Selected Publications
Robert Hartig (1873) "Vorläufige Mitteilung über den Parasitismus von Agaricus melleus und dessen Rhizomorphen" (Preliminary report on the parasitism of 385,Armillaria mellea and its rhizomorphs) in Botanische Zeitung (Botanical Magazine) 31 pp. 295 - 297
Robert Hartig (1874) Wichtige Krankheiten der Waldbäume (Important diseases of forest trees)
Robert Hartig (1878) Die Zersetzungsrscheinungen des Holzes der Nadelholzbäume und der Eiche (The decomposition phenomena of the wood of the conifers and the oak)
Robert Hartig (1882) Lehrbuch der Baumkrankheiten (Textbook of tree diseases)translated into French in 1891, into English in 1894; and reissued as Lehrbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten in 1900
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