Edward Tuckerman     (1817 - 1886)

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1817     December 7, born in Boston

1837     graduates from Union College in Schenectady, New York

1839     graduates from Harvard Law School

1841     goes to Europe; spends a year bumming around

1843     (approximate year) earns M.A. from Union College

1846     matriculates as an undergraduate [yes, that's correct] at Harvard

1847     graduates from Harvard College

1852     graduates from Harvard Divinity School

1854     marries Sarah Eliza Sigourney Cushing; builds house in Amherst

starts lecturing at Amherst College; becomes professor or oriental history

1858     appointed chair of botany at Amherst College

Tuckerman is known as the dean of American lichenologists. Indeed, he occupies the same sort of position in the field that Sullivant does in bryology. It seems to me that (if Gray's description is accurate) his descriptions of taxa must have rivaled those of Rolf Singer:

In disquisition, the long and comprehensive sentences which he so carefully constructs are unmistakably clear to those who will patiently plod their way through them, and his choice even of unusual words is generally felicitous; but sometimes the statements are so hedged about and interpenetrated by qualifications or reservations, and so pregnant with subsidiary although relevant considerations, that they are far from easy reading. Like nests of pill-boxes, they are packed into least bulk; but for practical use they need to be taken apart.

Gray also tells the story of how he ended up at Harvard at such a late age:

Applying for admission... he remarked to President Quincy that his father had broken the family tradition by sending him to another college, and that he proposed to correct thte mistake. To the suggestion that, being already an alumnus of the Law School as well as of Union, the University would willingly concede to him the earlier degrees he sought, he replied that he proposed to receive them in the ordinary way.

But you'll notice that it only took him a year, anyway.
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Dr. Asa Gray (1889) Scientific Papers of Asa Gray

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Selected Publications

Edward Tuckerman (1843) Enumeratio Methodica Caricum quarundam (Methodical Listing of the Carices from around here)
Gray calls this "the first considerable, and a really successful, attempt to combine the species of this genus into natural groups.

Edward Tuckerman (1843) "Observations on some interesting Plants of New England" in American Journal of Science
there was a second of these in 1848, and a third in 1849

Edward Tuckerman (1847) "Synopsis of the Lichens of New England, the other Northern States, and British America" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, USA 1
there are other articles by Tuckerman in volumes 4-7 of the Proceedings, mostly on material from expeditions

Edward Tuckerman (1851) Lichenes Americae Septentrionalis Exsiccati (Exsiccati of the Lichens of North America) 3 vol.
Gray doesn't actually give a date for this; the one I've supplied is approximate, just to get his publications in what seems to be the right order.

Edward Tuckerman (1853) Lichenes Caroli Wrightii Cubae curante E. Tuckerman (Lichens of the Charles Wright expedition to Cuba, curated by E. Tuckerman)
Gray's comments seem to indicate that this is another set of exsiccati.
Again, the date is approximate.

Edward Tuckerman (1866) Lichens of California, Oregon, and the Rocky Mountains, so far as yet known
Gray notes that this work is important not so much for the species, but because "in this he lays down the principles and matured opinions which he had adopted, and which he firmly adhered to, for the taxonomy and classification of Lichens," which principles are more put into practice in his last two books.

Edward Tuckerman (1872) Genera lichenum (The Genera of Lichens)

Edward Tuckerman & Charles Christopher Frost (1875) A Catalogue of Plants growing without cultivation within thirty miles of Amherst College
Frost handled the fungi, Tuckerman did everything else

Edward Tuckerman (1882 - 1888) A Synopsis of the North American Lichens 2 vol.

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Thamnidium Tuckerman: Schwendener

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