Key to Gilled Mushrooms KeyThis is a key to gilled mushrooms, that is, mushrooms having a definite cap with a fertile surface consisting of gills. The fruiting body usually also has a stem, although that may be lateral or absent (usually, then, the mushroom is growing from wood). You can use this key to identify mushrooms that you find.
Agaricales OrderFruiting body containing fibers (usually in the stalk)
White Spored SuborderSpore print "light-colored": white or buff, sometimes tinged with pink or tan. Greenish and (except for the Russulales) yellow spore prints also go here
Stalk fibrous, not fracturing like a piece of chalk
Tricholomataceae FamilyNone of the special features distinguishing the other white-spored genera:
Gills not free, as in the Lepiotas and Amanitas
Basidia not extra-long, as in the Hygrophoraceae
Spores smooth, except for Lentinellus
Terrestrial Trich SubfamilyGrowing on the ground
Woodland Normal Trich TribeFound in woods
Not rooting
Clitocybe-like Fungi SubtribeGills attached to decurrent
Coloration usually white to greyish brown, sometimes purple or with purple tones
Never with a ring of any kind
Clitocybe Genus (Fries) Staude

Microscropic Characters
It's easy to confuse these with Leucopaxillus species. Clitocybes tend to definitely come out of the ground, though, while Leucopaxilluses (Leucopaxilli?) are usually adhering to a big clump of leaves at their base. Leucopaxilluses also last longer: Arora (1986) suggests storing it in your closet for a few weeks - - if it's still there, you know that it's a Leucopaxillus
This, like Tricholoma, is a large genus that I may add more species to if we start finding more of them. Clitocybes are tough to identify. Last summer, we had massive fruitings of a Clitocybe that was all white, 3-5" across, and smelled of anise; we were unable to figure out what it was
The Clitocybes are usually mycorrhizal, except for the Blewit section. To emphasize that, I've noted the species that only occur in woods, even if they'll occur in any kind of woods
Narrow down your identification:
Blewit Section
Clubfoot Section- Stalk widening drastically towards the bottom, often until it is as wide as the cap
Cap conical when young, flat with a very broad umbo in maturity
Gills strongly decurrent, often slanting diagonally from the margin to the stalk
Thus, the point where the gills meet the stalk is usually the thinnest part of the mushroom, and young mushrooms have sort of an hourglass-shaped profile
Other Clitocybes Section
White Clitocybe Section