Bessie B. Kanouse (1889 - 1969)
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Bessie Kanouse was a profesor at the University of Michigan. I imagine that she is one of the first American women to hold an academic post (British women were holding faculty posts much earlier: for example Elsie Maud Wakefield and Helen Gwynne-Vaughan).
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Selected Publications
Bessie B. Kanouse (1925) "Physiology and morphology of Pythiomorpha gonapodioides" in Botanical Gazette 79 pp. 196 - 206
Bessie B. Kanouse (1927) "A monographic study of special groups of the water molds: I. Blastocladiaceae" in American Journal of Botany 14:6 pp. 287 - 306
Bessie B. Kanouse (1927) "A monographic study of special groups of the water molds: II. Leptomitaceae and Pythiomorphaceae" in American Journal of Botany 14:7 pp. 335 - 357
Bessie B. Kanouse (1932) "A physiological and morphological study of Saprolegnia parasitica" in Mycologia 24:5 pp. 431 - 452
Bessie B. Kanouse (1948) "Studies in the genus Otidea" in Mycologia 41 pp. 660 - 677
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Chlorociboria aeruginascens (Nylander) Kanouse
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Mindeniella Kanouse
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