Gymnopilus spectabilis
Gymnopilus junonius
Gymnopilus ventricosus
Key to Gilled Mushrooms KeyThis is a key to gilled mushrooms, that is, mushrooms having a definite cap with a fertile surface consisting of gills. The fruiting body usually also has a stem, although that may be lateral or absent (usually, then, the mushroom is growing from wood). You can use this key to identify mushrooms that you find.
Agaricales OrderFruiting body containing fibers (usually in the stalk)
Brown, Olive, Orange or Tan Spored SuborderGills not free
Spore print tan, orange, deep ochre, yellowish olive, olive brown, rusty or cinnamon brown or deep brown
Ring usually either absent or not membranous
Lignicolous Brown Spored FamilyGrowing on wood
Medium To Big Lignicolous Brown Spored SubfamilyCap usually more than 2" across, and sometimes up to 8; usually tan, yellow, or pumpkin-colored
Gymnopilus GenusSpore print orange, rusty orange, or bright rusty brown
Entire fruiting body some shade of pumpkin-color or golden yellow; some species with tints or patches of other colors, or with tiny differently colored scales.
A drop of ammonia or KOH will stain the cap blackish
Flesh typically yellow
Taste typically bitter
Often growing cestipose
Here are the characters that distinguish this species from the others in its group. For its more general characters, see higher up on the page.
If there's just a few words or a microscopic feature here, a more thorough description can be found above.

Microscropic Characters
- Spores 7-10.5 x 4.5-6 µm, often wrinkled
Brits tend to call this Gymnopilus junonius; Arora thinks that this is actually the correct name
There is a very big, thick-stemmed, West-coast version of this that grows with conifers; people who consider this (and I'm all for it) a separate species call it Gymnopilus ventricosus. It may well show up around here, as wood-rotters tend to be very cosmopolitan