Key to Gilled Mushrooms KeyThis is a key to gilled mushrooms, that is, mushrooms having a definite cap with a fertile surface consisting of gills. The fruiting body usually also has a stem, although that may be lateral or absent (usually, then, the mushroom is growing from wood). You can use this key to identify mushrooms that you find.
Agaricales OrderFruiting body containing fibers (usually in the stalk)
White Spored SuborderSpore print "light-colored": white or buff, sometimes tinged with pink or tan. Greenish and (except for the Russulales) yellow spore prints also go here
Stalk fibrous, not fracturing like a piece of chalk
Tricholomataceae FamilyNone of the special features distinguishing the other white-spored genera:
Gills not free, as in the Lepiotas and Amanitas
Basidia not extra-long, as in the Hygrophoraceae
Spores smooth, except for Lentinellus
Terrestrial Trich SubfamilyGrowing on the ground
Woodland Normal Trich TribeFound in woods
Not rooting
Clitocybe-like Fungi SubtribeGills attached to decurrent
Coloration usually white to greyish brown, sometimes purple or with purple tones
Never with a ring of any kind
Laccaria Genus Berkeley & Broome

- Fruiting body often with purple colors, especially on the gills
If no purple colors, then cap warm brown and minutely scaly, and gills white
Base of stalk (sometimes entire stalk) coated with fuzzy white or purple mycelium
Stalk often with tough "shavings" or "hangnails" of fibrous tissue projecting from it
When Cooke named the genus, he did so with the idea that the type specimen looked like it had been lacquered. Unfortunately, no one since has repeated this impression, so it's hard to get a feel for the look of the genus as a whole. In order to identify your Laccaria, you should just go straight to Greg Mueller's Laccaria site, and maybe check your work with some of the pictures here. Or the other way around..
Narrow down your identification:
Laccaria amethystinaCap up to 2" across
Entire fruiting body deep, intense purple at first; cap and stem fading with age to buff or light grey
Laccaria laccataCap up to 2" across; warm brown at first and minutely scaly
Stem up to 3" long; concolorous or pinkish
Gills pale pinkish to pinkish brown, colored white by spores at maturity
Laccaria longipesNear the Great Lakes; in moss, especially sphagnum, under conifers
Stem up to 5 3/4" long
Cap up to 2 1/4" across; minutely scaly; orange brown fading to buff, stalk concolorous
Gills pale pinkish
Laccaria ochropurpureaCap up to 4 1/2" across; very light purple brown, soon fading to grey or buff; often irregular with wavy margin in maturity
Gills deep purple
Laccaria ohiensisCap up to 1 1/2" across, but often less than an inch; strongly striate; reddish brown, soon lightening to orange brown, and then fading to buff; often much more strongly on the disk
Stalk up to 1 1/4" long, concolourous with cap
Gills pinkish buff
Laccaria trullisataIn sand dunes or very sandy soil, usually under pines
Cap up to 3" across, usually the only part of the mushroom to emerge from the sand; grayish purple when young, soon becoming red-brown, brown or