Frédéric Bataille     (1850 - 1946)

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Selected publications


Bataille was a poet before turning to mycology. Most of his mycological writings are self-published, so I assumed that his poems were the same way, but I was wrong: they're available on microfilm, along with correspondence from much more famous writers (Victor Hugo, for example). If they're anything like their titles, however, I don't think we'll be much interested in them today.

Image of Xeromphalina campanella from Eugen Gramberg (1913) Pilze unserer Heimat
Xeromphalina campanellaHe named quite a few species, and also made one of the big early contributions to the use of chemical tests to delineate taxa with his 1948 Les réactions macrochimiques chez les champignons, suivies d'indications sur la morphologie des spores.

Selected Publications

Frédéric Bataille (1883) Une Lyre. Les fusains mignons. Le carnaval de muses. La fête nationale. Sonnets. Poèsies diverses. (A Harp. The Delicate Existences. The Carnival of the Muses. The National Holiday. Sonnets. Various poems.)

Frédéric Bataille (1884) Le clavier d'or: sonnets (1875-1884) (The golden piano: sonnets)

Frédéric Bataille (1889) Poèmes du soir (Evening poems)

Lucien Quélet & Frédéric Bataille (1902) Flore monographique des Amanites et des Lépiotes (Monographic flora of the Amanitas and Lepiotas) 88 pp.

Frédéric Bataille (1908) Flore monographique des astérosporés. Lactaires et russules (Monographic flora of the star-spored mushrooms: Lactarius and Russula)

Frédéric Bataille (1909) "Flore monographique des Hygrophores" (Monographic flora of the Hygrophoraceae) in Mémoires de la Société d'émulation du Doubs (Memoirs of the Doubs Boosters' Society) 8th series, 4 pp. 131 - 191

Frédéric Bataille (1910) Flore analytique des Inocybes d'Europe (Analytical flora of the Inocybes of Europe)
Reprinted from the Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle du Doubs, no 18 (Séance du 20 décembre 1909)

Frédéric Bataille (1911) Flore monographique des cortinaires d'Europe (Monographic flora of the Cortinarius species of Europe)

Frédéric Bataille (1911) Flore analytique des morilles et des helvelles (Analytical flora of the morels and helvellas)
At the time, "helvellas" probably included the things we now call Gyromitras.

Frédéric Bataille (1919) Flore monographique des marasmes d'Europe (Monographic flora of the Marasmius species of Europe)

Frédéric Bataille (1921) "Flore analytique et descriptive des Tubéroidées de l'Europe et de l'Afrique du Nord" (Analytic and descriptive Flora of the Tuberaceae of Europe and North Africa) in Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France (Bulletin of the French Mycological Society) 37 pp. 155 - 207

Frédéric Bataille (1923) "Flore analytique et descriptive des Hyménogastracées d'Europe" (Analytical and descriptive Flora of the Hymenogastraceae of Europe) in Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France (Bulletin of the French Mycological Society) 39 pp. 157 - 196
also available as a separate off-print

Frédéric Bataille (1923) Les bolets: classification et détermination des espèces (The boletes: classification and identification of the species)

Frédéric Bataille (1948) Les réactions macrochimiques chez les champignons, suivies d'indications sur la morphologie des spores (Macrochemical reactions of fungi, together with indications from the morphology of the spores)
This is perhaps his major work; it showed that chemical reactions of the fruiting body could be an excellent character in identifying mushrooms (and declaring new taxa!).

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Chalciporus piperatus (Bulliard) Bataille
Otidea leporina (Bataille: Fries) Fuckel
Polyporus arcularius Bataille: Fries
Xeromphalina campanella (Bataille: Fries) R. Maire & R. Kühner

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Chalciporus Bataille

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