1860 - 1861 teaches secondary school in Tampere and Turku (both in Finland)
1861 moves to the Kola peninsula, teaches at the Gymnasium at Pietarsaari
1864 appointed lecturer at the agricultural institute in Mustiala, where he remains for 45 years
1851 (collecting?) journey through Sweden, Denmark, and Germany
Karsten, along with Quélet, Patouillard, and Samuel Frederick Gray created most of the new genera that have been standard until recently. Along with Paul Kummer (who worked mostly by raising Fries' sections to generic status, these authors were essential in creating genera that reflected biological relationship, rather than genera that existed because they made a key work out nicely.
Many of the genera he created are very common ones, especially in the boletes and the polypores. At the time he wrote, these species were all assigned to the huge genera Boletus and Polyporus. He did a good deal of work in making the taxonomy of these groups comprehensible.
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